Carolinn & John- July 2013

Carolinn & John- July 2013
Meeting up with Michelle & Mark Hedges

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Could somebody please mop my brow?

Have you ever- all of a sudden -  had that sickening feeling in your stomach, your blood runs cold, your hands start sweating and you feel like you've forgotten to do something, or you've messed something up, or you can't remember what you already did? That has happened to me a couple of times over the last week or so. I get up and check my calendar, look at the bank accounts, figure out if I've left the coffee pot on or the oven or stove...and's done. It's a very INTENSE and uncomfortable feeling and I don't like it one bit. How can my blood feel like it's coursing through my veins carrying ice daggers and at the same time I break out into a sweat and my face and ears are burning? How can I feel perfectly fine, warm, comfortable and happy one minute and the next I feel like I'm crawling out of my skin and need to bitch slap the newscasters on KY3?? I mean....I don't even know those nice people! Why do I want to yank the phone cord from the wall every time the phone rings? I can actually feel the vibrations in my body from the phones ringing. I've turned them down, I've moved them...the next step is to put them in the street for the snow plows to run over. Why do I feel this way????? I'll tell you's freakin' hormones. Commercials and Oprah make me shed a tear, I think chocolate needs to be added to that fucking food pyramid, the sound of John's fingers clicking on the keys of his computer sends me into a "rigor" (thank you to Elaine Hand, who was my mentor and best friend in Texas for teaching me that one!) and the knowledge that this is all just temporary is not very consoling to me! I'm thinking that for the next few years, I'm going to armor myself against this onslaught with some very important weapons. I will make sure that I am eating healthy foods high in antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins, I will drink only water, tea, some coffee and maybe tart cherry juice, I will swim for exercise and stay positive about life. I'll also try to cut out most if not all processed foods... Oh yeah, and eat dark chocolate. Damn pyramid. Wait....ok, I gotta go...the phone is ringing and I've got to put my coat and boots on because I can also hear the snow plow.

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