Carolinn & John- July 2013

Carolinn & John- July 2013
Meeting up with Michelle & Mark Hedges

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Post from hospital, Saturday, July 7th.

I'm typing this in gold in honor of the GGH (giant, gold hootie) John was going to take a pic for me of the GGH today, but the office was closed, so soon, people....SOON!

Good news...had a complete hysterectomy yesterday ...also, he took out my appendix and repaired an umbilical hernia. My surgeon was also able to remove ALL of the cancer since it was contained in the uterus. Nice. I've already been up and walking in the hallway, and just a few hours ago, they took me off of the i.v. that was giving me some more pain meds with a pushy button thingy (which was WONDERFUL) and now it's just straight Percocet. YUK. Makes me super woosey and just barely takes the edge off of the pain. But, that's what the anti-nausea medication is for! (Update: now that the Percocet has built up in my system, the pain is under control much better.)

They did NOT have to take any of my lymph nodes!!! YEYYY. He will do a consult with the other oncologist/surgeons next Friday, and then the decision will be made as to whether I will need to undergo chemotherapy or radiation. At this point, I'm just RELIEVED that they were able to get it all and not take my lymph nodes. I'm one lucky girl as far as that goes!! :)

I'm so stinking high right now, I'm surprised I can type! I just wanted to let friends know that I'm okay and on the road to recovery. Painful recovery, but recovery all the same. Once my hootie is healed completely, I will be a new woman!! Should feel a LOT better soon!

Here's a funny hospital story for ya. Today, (Saturday) somehow, I dropped my call button for the nurse's station. I was actually asleep when it happened, and needed to go pee right then! So, I very PAINFULLY pulled myself up out of bed and sat on the edge with my bare back end facing the door, trying not to pass out. Of course, I can't bend over right now, so I flipped the call button over with my foot and pressed it with my big toe. Now, you have to picture my lard ass in a hospital gown and at that time that was it! So, there's a knock at the door and I say "come in" thinking it was the nurse coming in to help me out. NOPE, it was my big brother Mike and my sister in law Cindy! Those two got a lot more than they bargained for on that hospital room entrance! Can you hear the music??? "Blue left me standing alone....." Sorry, M & C.... :)

Evanne, Drew and Chele spent the night with me Friday about a hoot. I was trying not to laugh cuz it hurt so badly...but that's impossible to do when you've got that many cut ups in one room! Whether it's a hospital room or not! Evanne and Drew left at about 2:00am and Chele stayed with me until 7a.m. It's wonderful to have family close by and even the ones that aren't close by are here to give moral support and then drive all the way back to Farmington...and those that are still back home in Farmington and in New Mexico are sending their love and positive vibes my way. 

Last night, Saturday...John spent the night with me. He didn't get a bit of rest-much like Chele the night before. I couldn't sleep in the bed last night, had to sleep in the recliner. The hospital bed is the MOST uncomfortable bed I've ever been in. I was miserable until they started giving me Percocet on a regular basis for the pain. I've been up walking and using the potty, so hopefully, I will be able to go home fairly soon. Ahhhhh, to be in our own bed again!! You'd think that the hospitals would try and give comfortable beds for people who are sick or having surgery. If you can't rest, then you can't heal. So...WHY in the hell are the beds and even the chairs SOOOO freakin' uncomfortable in hospital rooms?? Any answers to that one?

I can feel the RA creeping into my joints. My big hope is that I will heal quickly so that I can go back on my injections. I really don't want that pain on top of the pain from surgery. I told my nurse and John last night that I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy. Not that I can think of any enemies right now! 

Okay, that's all for now. I want to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, plants and gifts! They are all beautiful and really brighten up this hospital room!! Also, I know that there have been LOTS of people pulling for me, many prayers on behalf as well as good vibrations sent across the miles! My heart is warm, folks! Thank you all!! :)

Til next time, 

Carolinn :)

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