Carolinn & John- July 2013

Carolinn & John- July 2013
Meeting up with Michelle & Mark Hedges

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Catpots, Geriatric Toaster, Smashed Bagels & WWF Etiquette!

Every spring, I take the plants I brought indoors for the winter back outside. I feed them, re-pot them if needed, water them and wait for the sunshine to do it's job and bring them back to the beautifully crafted blossoms and foliage that they were meant to share.

I have a large planter that I didn't plant properly two years ago, and the dirt was still in it from when my lovely flowers died from too much watering. I didn't put holes in it to drain, nor did I put the usual drainage materials in the bottom...why should I? There were no drainage holes...whatever.  They drowned, it was my fault. I knew better. It was still sitting in the garage, dirt and all. So, this year, I decided I was going to do this thing up right. Had Chris Sacco drill some holes in the bottom of it for me, bought the drainage materials for the bottom, filled it halfway with styrofoam peanuts, (those bitches kept blowing out- because, of course, I picked a windy day to put the lightest thing on earth besides air in a freaking pot o' death. Made Kendrick and Camille chase them and pick them up. Should have video taped that...pretty funny stuff.) put landscaping material on top of that, then proceeded with the filling of the large pot with good potting soil. I even bought little clay feet to keep the pot off of the concrete so that it wouldn't stain it. 

That was two months ago. It's still sitting, on it's new clay feet, in front of our porch. No flowers in it. However, the day before yesterday, I was coming back from grocery shopping and noticed that our neighborhood cat, Snickers, (I think she's hormonal cuz she's crazier than I am) was laying in it, curled up and snoozing the day away. There's a large Boston fern in front of it and a couple of large geraniums around it, so she's kind of hidden. Probably thinks she's camouflaged there. And I guess she is, because she scared the living shit out of me. She's kinda the same colors as the new dirt. And, there's plenty of room left over in the pot when she's in it, so it's not like it's obvious that she's in it, if you're not paying attention or looking for her. (Okay, I believe I just described the very meaning of camouflage.) But, when she picks her little head up, squints at you and does her raspy, half meow-half 80 year old smoker's voice- crazy hormonal cat gonna eat you alive wail at you because you just woke her up with a start, it's a little unnerving. Not gonna lie, I jumped. Well, okay...if you know me, you know I didn't REALLY jump, but...I moved my fat quickly...there. 

So, now...evidently, she's in there every morning, curled up, sleeping and dreaming of chasing mice and birds and finding her cat-man named Tom and settling down and starting a family of beautiful kittens that will be photographed and hopefully be in those pictures that everyone posts on facebook that nobody else wants to see. I mean, I like cats, and when I see yet one more photograph of someone's cat (I've even posted them) or even when that person posts photos of somebody else's kittens or cats that they got off of their "too cute" board on Pinterest, I'm like..."Really? Do you really think we want to see ANOTHER photo of...Oh, . . .  wow...that's adorable."  (None of this will happen though, because Snickers was spayed about three years ago. So, her dreams of Catman Tom and kitties are just that, dreams.) I now have a planter, with a cat in it.  A cat named Snickers, who John always calls Skittles because for the first year, he couldn't remember her name...and now, it's just habit. I was going to go get some plants to put in there tomorrow. But now, I'm hesitant. She's so danged cute all curled up in it. It's late July after all. I know, I'll photograph her in the morning and post it on facebook, then, I'll go get some plants for the catpot.

I just looked back at my writing and thought..."who could have thought I could write four long paragraphs about a cat in a flowerpot?" Not that it matters. It doesn't. It was just a thought.

I want a toaster with four slots, big enough for bagels. We have the same toaster that we got for our wedding, in 1995. It's 2014. It's been a great toaster- (thank you to whoever bought it for us, it's been well used!) BUT, it's time for a new one. You know the drill, no matter what setting you slide the little bar to, light or dark-it always comes out the same- half light and half dark. Then, you can't immediately put anything else in it, because when you push the lever down, it makes this LOUD, annoying, scare the cream cheese off your cute spreader that your sister got you for your birthday, BUUUUZZZZing sound and pops right back up. So, then the wait game begins. Let's see, I'll get the coffee going while I wait for it to change it's mind, and accept the two halves of the bagel I just smashed with my hand- on the paper towel- on top of the counter- so the bitch would fit into the too narrow, two slotted, geriatric toaster. Oh, come on! You know you've done it. The bagels are too thick, so, you have to smash them down to fit. Don't even act like you don't know what I'm talking about! So, I make the coffee, go back to the shiny, silver, buzzing machine of frustration, all the while quietly saying under my breath... "come on...okay... you, bitch." AND, it works. BUT, no... it pops up even earlier, and the bagel isn't toasted. And, the waiting game begins again. Each time the toasting time gets shorter and the waiting time to avoid the BUZZER from hell gets longer. I hate that damn toaster. Maybe I'll buy a new one tomorrow when I go buy my plants for the catpot. 

Okay, Words With Friends peeps, I have a beef. If you're going to play Words With Friends, you need to learn some WWF etiquette. Well, it's MY WWF etiquette. But, it's good as to not totally piss off your opponent. Here goes...#1. DO NOT freaking make a word, starting on the space right next to a triple letter score space. It's just rude. It keeps both you and your opponent from being able to use the triple letter blank. Ridiculous. That's the whole point of the game for me...try to get all the triple letter blanks. Okay, #2. If you are using a dictionary to help figure out long, uncommon words, you shouldn't be. If you are just that smart and know all of those big assed words, you shouldn't be playing against me. But then, that's why YOU ARE playing against me, isn't it? ass. And no, Scott, I'm not talking about you. Well, maybe a little. :) #3. If you are starting the game, try to make your word cover the left side of the board first. Just makes it easier to use all of the board. If you start on the right, it's harder to spread out to the left. Just do it. Trust me. That's all on that. For now.

It's now Sunday morning. Yep, Snickersskittles was in the pot. I will be posting this on facebook, too. You know I will. Then, I'm going to go buy a new, four holed, bagel sized toaster. :) And some catpot flowers??

Saturday, May 10, 2014

WalMart and Weightloss

She was wearing a "wifebeater" with no bra, black shorts that were waaaayyyy too tight and dirty white flip flops. This was not a thin middle-aged woman, and I don't think she'd had a shower in a while from her appearance. She was the 1st person in a row of four people who were walking side by side pushing Wal- Mart shopping carts down the center of the parking lot aisle.Why do they ALWAYS walk side by side instead of in a single file line when cars are driving up and down the rows??? WHYYY, I ask! I was driving straight toward her, and as she flicked her cigarette ashes out in front of my car, (can't afford shampoo but can buy cigarettes) while I was at a complete stop, waiting for the oncoming car to pass so that I could drive around her and her posse, all I could think of was..."should I turn my white trash bitch attitude on and tell her to move her cigarette smoking, nipple hangin', greasy, dirty blonde in need of a good die job, fat ass outta the way?" I decided not to. Then....THEN...she stared me down....REALLY?? Well, you skanky, little prayer..."give me the strength to not run her over. Then back up over her again." I didn't run her over. In fact, I didn't even say anything. I know, I know....missed opportunity, right? But her bitches could probably have taken me...too many for me to tag. :) LMAO. Hag.

Ladies, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought "who the hell is that?" That's me. Yesterday. Got out of the shower, did my hair, took off my robe to dress, realized I hadn't sprayed the back of my hair, went back into the bathroom to spray it (nude), picked up my hand mirror to see the back and realized...holy shit...that's my back and my ass...or should I say AAAAAASSSSSS. That name better suits what I saw in the mirror. What follows is the conversation I had with myself inside my head. "Ummm, excuse me, did you know that your stretch marks have stretch marks?" "NO! But...I didn't even realize that I looked like THAT..., I mean, I know I'm fat, but what have I done to myself?" "Well, you eat too much, sometimes the wrong stuff, don't exercise, come on, you know're a smart lady." "Yeah, but I'm still Carolinn....a whole lotta Carolinn though." "You've got to lose this, you've got to lose this now! For health reasons, mobility reasons, to look better, feel better...think better" Wake up call answered. Let me just say...well, fill in a bunch of your own cuss words...then I'm adding....shit. Right now, where there should be motivation, all I'm feeling is tired, frustrated and disappointed in myself. Not a good combo to start a new lifestyle and embark on a weight loss program. Then, I remembered seeing a photo of Ryan Blocker. New him when he was a kid and I first started teaching...from my home town, is a band director now... He's lost 329 pounds the last couple of years. He looks fantastic. I can do this...yes, I can!

Way to go, Ryan! I'm so happy for you and proud of you. You are an inspiration to me! (Hope you don't mind me stealing your photo for my blog!)

So, again, I'm saying to myself...goodbye, fatass...hello, healthy lady! And, it starts...God help me, I do love to eat.

Hope you all are finding your inspiration for whatever you need to accomplish, and from wherever you can. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Keep Calm and Binge Watch On!

Ahh, sweet blog, how I've missed thee. It's been months since I put fingers to keys and filled your web address with my disturbing thoughts, crazy antics and observations of funny people. 

Let's talk about sex,, no, no!! That song just popped into my head as a typed "Let's talk about..." so my fingers followed my brain. Let's REALLY talk about Netflix and binge watching House of Cards and Orange is the New Black. I LOVE binge watching those shows...any show that has multiple episodes available. John and I have binge watched Lost, Breaking Bad (even though we saw it as it show ever, btw), True Blood (not on Netflix) The Guardian and Sherlock. And these two shows... House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, we have completed and they are fanfreakingtastic also. Binge watching is so very bad, and SOOOOOO good at the same time.

Things that are bad about binge watching are: 1. Your ass goes numb...2. You want to eat snacks while you're doing it, which in turn, makes your ass even larger, therefore, more area for numbness to invade... 3. You lose track of what happened in what episode because it all runs together. 4. Kevin Spacey kinda starts looking hot. 5. The only time your spouse is awake during most of the binge is during the nude scenes. 6. You can't talk to anyone about it because they are never in the same place on their binge that you are, hence, they get pissed off because you spoil the plot for them. 7. When the phone rings, or there's a knock at the door, it's so very easy to be annoyed at the interruption...that's right, you've been watching for 6 straight hours and they are messing with the rhythm of the binge! Don't they know you have 7 more hours to watch on this season alone??? People should be more considerate of us bingers. And number 8. When you do have to stop watching to sleep or urinate or eat or whatever, it almost feels like you're cheating on the you've failed to complete your task. Don't give can do get back in there with your unsweet tea and your lightly salted all natural popcorn and caress that play button and then fast forward through the opening credits and theme song and press that play button again on that one particular screen that you know will allow the show to load and not miss the very first lines of that particular episode! Yeah, you know what I'm talking've got it down to a science too, admit it.  9. Your dreams become a disturbing, mixed up mash of all the episodes, leaving you dazed and confused when you wake up to begin binging again. 10. Non-bingers think you're crazy, lazy and idiotic for watching that much television at once. They just don't get it, though...they think it has to be unhealthy...well, I suppose it is in the fact that you're not exercising your body while binging, however, it is good for you in other ways. Check out this article, nonbingers and bingers, alike!

I will let the "restorative experience" of binge watching whatever series tickles my fancy, flow over me like water over a cliff. It's soothing...even with a numb bahooky. Yes, you do have to get up and stretch, walk around a little, watch your caloric intake, brush and floss your teeth to get the popcorn kernels out of them and make sure your spouse is still breathing, but other than those things, it truly is relaxing. 

So, my bingers, Keep Calm, and Binge Watch On!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Leaves, Crazy Patients, and Breaking Bad

Yesterday, while I was driving to my 3 month oncology hootie check up, I drove under a tree in the "Creepy Woods" (which is what my little niece calls the road leading into the back of our subdivision that is lined with big trees) that was dropping leaves as if we were in October or November! My first thought was "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I looked around and realized that everything was a little dimmer than it had been a couple of weeks back, just a little more yellow painted onto the earth that was lush green just days ago. Which for me, brings on some sadness. Summer is my season...for lots of reasons, but I think it's mainly because that's when I've had the most fun in my life, on summer breaks with my family and friends...laughing til we cry.

I drove on desperately wanting to stop for a cup o' joe but was running late and knew that I could get a cup there at my hootie cancer doc's office. You know, "Chub O'Reilley Cancer Center" with the Giant Golden Hootie in the window! When I got there, on time mind you...they were actually running late, so I had plenty of time to sip on the dark brown smoothness that makes my headaches subside into nothingness. And I say thank goodness for that! Coffee rocks...plain and simple.

Let me just was Hootie and the Blowtorch all over AGAIN this visit. However, it wasn't near as bad this time...because he didn't have to "shave" the granulation tissue this time...JUST burn it...lovely. At least I'm not on fire this time! AND, he didn't have it up on the screen for me to witness visually while feeling it at the same time. Over it. Will know if my pap is good on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed. Even though I know that it is unlikely that there will be any cancer cells every three months, it is still nerve wracking as all hell.

So, now...I'm an insurance agent. Yeah, I can't believe it either! But, I really like it so far. I'm just thankful to have a job that I can set my own schedule. It's good. I do miss teaching very much, but I know I can't physically do that job anymore. I've accepted it, it's okay. For now.

And NOW, story time with Carolinn. So, while in the waiting room yesterday, this older lady came in, dressed to the teeth in a suit, jewelry, pumps, makeup, hair done. She was with a very large woman who used a rolling walker to get around. They were both talking loudly from the time they came in.

The well dressed lady who was the patient went up to the counter and had a pill bottle and told the receptionist that she was here 3 hours early because she had to take this pill and didn't want to have to drive with it because it would probably make her sleep and so she brought someone to drive her and would it be okay if she went ahead and took the pill.........on and on...the receptionist said, "I don't think I can get you in any earlier, do you need to eat with that medicine? You both could go down to the cafeteria on the bottom floor and hang out there til your appointment." "Oh, that's okay." said the lady. "We'll just stay here and I'll grab something off the snack table." I thought to myself, "nice try, anyway!"

While this is going on, another patient came in and sat down right next to me, which always amazes me because there were plenty of other seats she could have placed herself into, but noooooo, right next to me! Then she gets up and walks over to the counter where there is a fridge with juices/waters, a counter with peanut butter crackers and such, coffee machine with hot water for cocoa, and hot teas- of which they have several kinds of bags, and then the coffee machine has regular coffee and espresso and something else I don't remember right now.

So this "sit next to me lady" grabs like 5 packages of peanut butter crackers, a handful of teabags, a bunch of napkins, and some hot cocoa packets, stuffs them into her purse and sits back down next to me. She's going through her stash and looks over at me and whispers..."ooooo, apple cinnamon tea!" She then holds one of the tea bags out to me and says, "Ya want one?" I felt like we were doing a drug deal or something only with fruity fall tea bags and cocoa packets. I politely said "No thank you." Cancer Klepto slipped the shit back into her purse and continued to dig around in the large bag as if she didn't know what she had just jacked and put in it! Why is it I always get the crazies tryin' to be all up in ma bidness at the doctor's offices. So, thankfully, only a couple of minutes after that, I got called in to spread 'em and say "Ahhhhhhhh". I didn't check my purse, hopefully, C.K. didn't score any of my stuff while I was pretending to read Better Homes and Gardens. I felt like I was on Candid Camera again. I know that one day, with all of these weird things that happen to day it's going to be a Candid Camera stunt, or Punk'd or something.

It's been about a month since I last blogged. I've missed it! But, been busy with the new job and John starting the new school year! I'm so proud of his marching band kiddos. There is so much improvement this year! The hard work pays off in the end! 

Breaking Bad only has three more episodes until the end of the show for good. Makes me sad. It's a fun escape from my world, and the writing on the show is great. Brian Cranston is a bad ass. If you don't watch the show, I suggest you watch it on Netflix, because we are in the last 3 episodes of season 5, which is the final season! Some episodes may seem a little slow, but just keep watching, because it gets ooooohhhh, so very good!! So, in the words of Jesse Pinkman off of BB, who adds "bitches" to everything he says, Later, bitches! :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

And So It Goes.

A couple of things I realized today...

#1. After watching an episode of Scooby Doo with Camille, I realized that the traditional Scooby Doo theme...ya know..."Scooby dooby doo....where are you??? We've got some work to doooo nooooow!!"...has been replaced with some lame, instrumental, not able to hum it later theme. Disappointment all around.

#2. Even though I have been able to back down from 100 units (on an insulin syringe), or 25ml- of Methotexate injections per week, to 80 units...or whatever the equivalent in mls that is, I still get sick the second day after taking it. Disappointment yet again.

#3. Come Saturday, when John turns 48, he will be eligible for AARP in exactly 2 years! Not necessarily disappointment, but where the hell did the last 28 years go???

#4. There are three things in life that I will NEVER be able to complete. Dishes, laundry & house cleaning. Not disappointed here, either. Because, I couldn't care less. :)

#5. Many of the friends I have been lucky enough to enjoy my younger life with, I am still close to today! This makes my heart HAPPY! :)

#6. The fact that I haven't been able to sing for the last 3 1/2 months because of this stupid crud, has made me realize what a blessing it is to be able to sing at all. The disappointment here is that the ENT didn't say a word about me not being able to sing...just focused on my ears...catch him on the 19th when I go back.

#7. Sometimes, chocolate and coffee are the only two things in my "defense against lashing out basket". Chocolate and Coffee=Happiness, Relief and Yumminess. No disappointment. 

#8. If you buy cheap bras, there's no maintenance in the world that can be done to them that will lift those puppies up. This disappointment is that I have to wear a bra..."Where oh where have my perky boobs gone??? Where oh where can they be??????"

#9. I have to be in a "mood" to write. I'm not able to just sit down and let it flow. This is frustrating, however, usually when I'm in the mood, I can get some funny stuff down on paper...well ...on Word or on my Blog, I should say.

And #10.  If the peaches are only .75 a pound, DON'T BUY THEM NO MATTER HOW WONDERFULLY JUICY AND SWEET THEY LOOK. Major disappointment! 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Hootie and the Blowtorch,Technical Difficulties & HotflashMemoryLoss.

As I mentally prep myself for my three month oncology appointment on Monday, I'm a little apprehensive about what might happen. Three months ago, I go be-bopping in there feeling all positive and happy to be cancer free...which is awesome and for which I'm very grateful and hopefully, will be this time too! 

However, during my last exam, my doc says something to me which seems so very wrong on sooo many levels...let me try and quote him as accurately as possible.

"Okay, uhhh... we've got a little problem here." Me-"What's the problem?" Dr. C. "Well, you didn't heal completely from the surgery and there's tissue that has formed over the opening that didn't completely close. I'm going to have to shave that off and then because it's so moist inside, I'll have to burn it so that it will scab over and heal." Me...listening... laying there, spread eagle..."So, when will we have to schedule this?" Dr. C..."Oh, I'm going to do it right now...okay, I've just put a CAMERA up in you so that you can watch up here on the screen." My head is whirling about now, my mind has focused on "shave it, burn it, camera up in you" Oh, hells yeah...sounds like a party! All I need now is a tube top, a cigarette, a canned beer and some bad teeth and the entire party would be complete.

So, I'm watching the television screen above me which is a live shot of my hootie-okay, kinda cool...until... he takes this stick thingy and is moving the flap of tissue back and forth showing me the opening that is NOT supposed to be there. Then I hear him say to the nurse..."you better get me 4 cans of nitro-whatever blahblahblahblah..." My mind is thinking "Oh, holy we go again." Dr. C. says to me as I look AWAY from the screen because the feeling of him flipping that piece of tissue around like it was a light switch on a wall of a frequently used restroom, at the same time I was watching it on the screen, was freaking me out. Sensory OVERLOAD...Danger!!! Danger!!! Stop flipping that around, please....PLEASE! Put...the...stick...thingy...down,...SIR, or I will crush your highly trained surgeon's arms and hands with my cellulite laden thighs!

Dr. C. says to me "Now, most women don't feel this at all." As he suddenly starts "shaving, burning, videotaping"...Really?? Oh, okay....Okay.......OKAYYYY....You're a freaking liar! OR those women are...doesn't matter because right now, my hootie could double as a dragon's breath. I don't know if he actually "video taped" the procedure, because I couldn't watch. I was too busy squeezing my eyes shut and trying not to call him a plethora of horrible but accurate names that I learned from my Dad, the sailor.

For the next two days, my crotch felt like someone had taken a blowtorch to it as if they were finishing off a creme brulee. "Most women don't feel this at all." My ass, they don't. Actually, my hootie, they don't. 

We've been enjoying a "STAYCATION" this week with some friends. We're staying at home and driving into Branson and using vouchers and tickets to shows, Silver Dollar City, etc. that we've all collected over the last year from various people and haven't had a chance to use yet! Very fun, and get to sleep in our own beds!

So, yesterday afternoon we went to "The New Shanghai Circus" and it was awesome. Last night, we had tickets to the "Kirby Van Burch Magic Show". Uhhh....the only magic going on in that place was whatever the force was that was keeping him upright and keeping some audience member in close proximity from bitch slapping him. He kept tripping and stumbling, they had "technical difficulties" two times during the show that completely shut it down for a good 20 minutes each time and we NEVER got to see the big tiger. You could hear the trap doors closing as they were jumping into them, you could see the pockets in the "magic handkerchiefs"...sheeeze, I know the tickets were free and all, but there were people who PAID and they were getting the same "magic" that we were...unfortunate for them.

Friends, if you've ever seen ol' Kirby's photos on his advertisements, he looks about 25. In real life, he's about 60 and has bad hair. Those photos are either from 35 years ago, or someone is REALLY good with Photoshop. Actually,  we thought he might be sick or something. After researching him- after we got home, we found out that he has been in trouble for tax evasion, and even worse...animal neglect/abuse...unbelievable. Maybe he's a really nice guy and just had some unfortunate things happen. Maybe. Or maybe he's a douchebag. Actually, at one point in his life, he was a FANTASTIC magician in Las Vegas. He won many awards and had a huge following. Key word...HAD. My advice is- if you are going to visit Branson-don't waste your money or time on his show. I hope he gets matter what the problem was last night. Especially after finding out how awesome he used to be. Technical difficulties, no kidding.

Tonight it looks like we're in for another long night of severe storms, tennis ball sized hail-or as I said earlier by mistake -tennis sized ball hail .- and tornadoes. Which means, no sleep and a lot of nervous energy. I freakin' despise tornadoes. I've been in was too many. I can only hope that no one gets hit by a Joplin or Moore type tornado tonight. 

I'm glad to see that they've finally found a correlation between hotflashes and memory loss. All they had to do was call me, I could have given them all the info they needed...right after I changed my clothes from sweating and remembered where I had put the phone. I could have told them all about the connection between hotflashes and memory loss while I was mopping my brow, standing in the refrigerator door while fanning myself waiting for the air conditioning to kick on that I just moved down to the "Antarctic" line on the thermostat and looking for my keys or purse or pin or ass or kitchen or bed or car, etc. Anyone have a moist towelette?? 

I'd like to give Chris Sacco credit for the "Hootie and the Blowtorch" title...he asked me if I'd been blogging lately...I answered no. He said "you could tell the story about your last appt. and call it Hootie and the Blowtorch!!" Cracked me up, hence this blogpost! :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Reunion, Our Friendships, Our Music.

The last 11 years of my life have not been easy. Three years ago, when I had to stop teaching music, I struggled with not only my identity, but also with the fact that I may never be able to do it again. Yesterday, even though I wasn't "teaching music", I was able to experience something that has given me more pleasure than I've been able to have in years.

The satisfaction, love and joy that filled my heart and soul this weekend, was more than I could even imagine. My elementary music teacher, Sue Cook , my high school choir director, Don Vieth, both of my college choir directors, Doyle A. Dumas and John Egbert, my private piano teacher, Dr. John Shelton, my brother in law, Daron Nall, and many of my best friends from college, were able to raise our voices in song TOGETHER, all while having my husband there taking care of all the other things and playing timpani so that I could actually sing. The "healing" that took place in my heart yesterday can never be explained with words. The music. The love. The forever friendships. The JOY.  Things I've been missing for a long time.

I'd like to thank EVERYONE who was a part of it yesterday! But, the biggest THANK YOU'S go to Dr. Chris Goeke for making this thing actually happen, Dr. Peter J. Durow, for giving up his ACDA trip to Dallas to conduct us-and by the way- YOU WERE FANTASTIC!! Also to Dr. Doyle A. Dumas and Dr. John B. Egbert for being such wonderful influences on me during college and bringing that back to life for me through your music yesterday.

AND- to all of my college people rock my world. You are the funniest, smartest,  most talented group of friends a gal like me could ever hope to have.  We have aged, yes. And now, many of YOUR kids are in college and are the age now that WE all were when we first met and formed these life-long bonds. That makes me happy. Music brought us together then, life scattered us across the miles, and yesterday, music brought us back together. I love you all, dearly. Thank you for making me laugh, cry and remember WHAT my life can be again. There's a song in my heart...once more.

Love, Hugs, Song & Joy,

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Lifecake.

Layers. Layers and layers and layers of love, sadness, frustration, elation, relief, and a whole lot of other words that are descriptors is how I view my life. It's like a giant layer cake but the layers in between the cake layers are all of the extra things that I look at as having been the "really good stuff" that made the other layers more interesting and bearable.

I heard a quote from a movie today. "Getting old isn't's earned." My life has been grand. I've gotten to do things that many people only dream of doing. I've traveled to foreign lands, sung in Carnegie Hall with a bunch of my friends, prayed in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, put myself through college by waiting tables at Pizza Hut and directing church choir, taught hundreds and hundreds of kids music-elementary music, Jr. High and High School choir and band, Music Theory...I've thrown lots of parties, cooked wonderful meals, refurnished furniture, laughed with my family and friends, helped raise my youngest niece and nephew, laid in the sun under blues skies a thousand times, swam in the Caribbean, camped in the forest and built my own campfire, drank great beers, sipped great bourbon, laid in bed with my mom and talked about the world, played basketball with my dad, shared secrets with my sisters and stories with my brothers, felt pride with my husband as we watched our band take the field in competition, discussed politics & religion, worn beautiful clothes and jewelry, lived in three states, worked on a cruise ship as a fill in for a month, learned from everyone I possibly can and have tried to set a good example for my students as well as my nieces and nephews.

All of these things make up the layers of my lifecake. The layers are all delicious and irreplaceable. I consider myself very lucky in so many ways. I found my soul mate my first day of college, even though we didn't get together until years later. And that one thing..finding John and marrying him has molded my life in ways that have expanded my knowledge, made me laugh harder than I ever thought possible and shown me that love really can be unconditional. My life is good....great at times! Yes, my limitations are many more than I anticipated they would be at my age, but as I find more and more ways to cope, deal and overcome these limitations, I find myself growing stronger emotionally. I've always been a "tough" girl, but now, I'm feeling a bit like what I would assume is how Wonder Woman feels. Tough with experience to back it up. And a cool outfit, too!

I've always been terrified of the thought of dying. I've experienced death as most people dad died at the age of 64-I was 25-, my grandparents have all passed, I have friends who have passed. My very first time I experienced death was with my friend John Gower in 5th grade. Then my friend, Nancy Wisdom our freshman year, Mike Hoose, AJ Concelada, Gary Reeves and many more, unfortunately. I've had students that have passed and teachers that have passed. And every single one disturbed me immensely.

I've always been so worried about what impact my life was going to have on others, what GREAT things I could and would do....what recognition I would get for those things, and all this time that I've spent worrying about all of that was wasted time. It doesn't really matter in the long run, what matters is how you make people FEEL. It's not about money, cars, a beautiful house...the things I've always thought we should have- and all the things that we use for the meaning of "success"'s about the happiness that we give to people in our presence, with our laughter, our love and kindness.

I'm very comfortable with what I've accomplished. I'm very uncomfortable with what I haven't accomplished but have learned to accept the fact that those things...I may never be able to do. That's okay, really is. I've earned my crows feet-I've earned my scars and gray hair. I am still able to LOVE and LAUGH and to me...those are the most important things in my lifecake now. Thank God those are things we can do-no matter what our bodies have in store for us...I'm thankful to be able to do them both...and do them VERY well.

So with that, I will say to those of you who find yourselves in a bad place in your life, take a deep breath and be thankful that you can laugh and matter what else you do or don't can do both of those things with MANY other people. Be grateful for that, take advantage of that-as for the rest of those bothersome things that you haven't accomplished or been able to get yet-understand that you may never accomplish or get them. It's okay...make it okay.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yammering, Coach, Prada and Coughing on People

It's always something, right? So, today I took John back to Dr. Essman for his 2nd post op appointment. All is GREAT. Healing extremely of the eye are all clear. Yayyyy!

While I was waiting on him to get the eyedrops, then the photos before we actually go back and wait for the doctor, I noticed this very nicely dressed lady probably mid to late 50's sitting with and older lady and the older lady's husband. He used a cane and seemed to be in some pain when he walked. They were there for the older lady.

Okay, so John is back doing the eyedrop thing and even though these three people are sitting down in the next section from me, the nicely dressed lady is speaking directly toward me so I can hear practically everything she is spewing out of her very pink lipsticked mouth!

She was going on and on about her ex-husband who doesn't have anything-won't even have enough money to buy a casket when he's dead. Oh, yes, she said it. And that her three children probably wouldn't be giving her any grandchildren because two out of the three were gay and the third, well....(insert uncomfortable, trailing laugh here.) Then she was talking about some lady they had known when they were younger and how thin and pretty she'd been and the nicely dressed lady had seen her not to long ago and she was fat and ugly now. What a shame...she was SO thin and pretty-her words, people...not mine.

This goes on for a good 10 minutes or so while I'm sitting there by myself. Then, they call the older ladies name to come to the room. A couple of minutes later, the man decides he wants to go back with her so the nicely dressed lady takes him back...THEN (insert the descending dun dun DUN!) she sits down directly across from me. MY THOUGHT BUBBLE...(Oh, holy've got to be freakin' kiddin' me...where the hell is John...I look like shit, I feel like shit, no make-up, my hair looks terrible, I've got on a visor to try and hide that fact, I'm coughing like I've got some kind of lung disease and she's going to fucking sit here and yammer at me now? REALLY???? Continue thought bubble...Lady, if you know what's good for you and that $500.00 Coach bag you've got there, you'll get your skinny, old ass up, wrap those pink, fake, fingernail laden, wrinkled hands around the handles of that prior thought out Coach bag and walk in those expensive assed Prada heels right on back down to where you were sitting before.) End thought bubble.

That didn't happen. She talked at me-nonstop-about her business and working 16 and 18 hour days and how she was there with her oldest sister and brother-in-law and she had no idea why in the world they didn't call their children to take them to doctors she doesn't work...and she was pissed a few months back because she drove them to Springfield for a doctors appointment and then the next day the two of them drove down to Branson and farted around down there for 3 days...if they can drive to Branson, they can drive themselves to Springfield to the doctor...and on and on and on and on and on....WAIT...There's JOHN...Oh thank GOD in the heavenly was time to go back and wait for the doctor!

I stood up, grabbed my bright, red, patent leather, Liz Claiborne bag that was $76.00 but with the sale and my coupon it ended up costing me $13.79...I smiled at John and he gave me that look...the one that says "what's going on?" and as I turned to walk with him and the nurse back to the room, the nicely dressed yammering lady said..."Ooooo....I love your purse." And with that I said, "Thank you." and walked back to the room.

I have to admit, I thought about coughing on her. During her diatribe about nothing that I was interested in listening to...I seriously thought...if I cough on her this next time, and leave spittle droplets on her expensive glasses as I cough and gag...she'll leave me alone." But, I didn't. She was one of the most self-absorbed people I've ever met. But, I have to say...I loved her shoes and purse!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Riddance 2012!

In this last 45 minutes of 2012, I'm going to say a few things about this year from hell. The main thing is...I'm glad it's over and ready to start anew. I did very much enjoy visiting with my family in Farmington for the last few days! John and I have had a quiet night here at home ( I have laryngitis) and I was able to finish the website for the SEMO Alumni Choirs Reunion.

2012 dumped so much negative b.s. on us that it is really difficult to narrow things down to write, I'll do part of it in a top 10 list.

Top 10 Horrible Things about 2012.
10. So many of my favorite celebs passed away-go to:,0,1525006.photogallery
9. Went on Disability (bad and good)
8. Rough financially
7. Didn't get to spend enough time with Mom this year.
6. John's Dad passed away
5. Missed out on various visits with friends for numerous reasons.
4. The Gangnam Style-'nough said.
3. Fiscal Cliff??????
2. John's eye issues and surgeries. (bad and good)
1. Uterine cancer/hysterectomy (bad and good)

I wish everyone a Very Happy 2013. It's GOT to be better than 2012. I'm willing it to be!